Some words about chemistry.
AromaticsPhoenix — Chemso Ltd. Surrey — Rail Export
ATS[US] Simulation
Mass:12927 kg
Distance:2708 km
Route:3005 km
Distance:2708 km
Route:3005 km
Begin time:11 Mar 17:00
Duration:24 hr.
Duration:24 hr.
Hydrocarbons are organic compounds consisting of carbon and hydrogen atoms and act as the fundamental basis of organic chemistry — the molecules of any other organic compounds are considered as their derivatives. Most of the hydrocarbons in nature are found in crude oil, and the main sources are natural gas, shale gas, associated petroleum gas, oil shale, coal, peat. Hydrocarbons extracted from oil, gas and gas condensate, coal deposits and oil shale deposits are used in the fuel, chemical, light, food and other industries, as well as in agriculture. One of the largest hydrocarbon companies Chemso Ltd located in Phoenix has prepared a batch of this product for transportation to Surrey. The transportation of this product was entrusted to experienced drivers of VTC. World.
Customer: Chemso Ltd.
Unload location: Rail Export.
Executor: Virtual Trucking Company World
Features: Fast delivery, urgent cargo.
The order is accredited by the logistics department and is ready for execution.
Customer: Chemso Ltd.
Unload location: Rail Export.
Executor: Virtual Trucking Company World
Features: Fast delivery, urgent cargo.
The order is accredited by the logistics department and is ready for execution.
Alexandra (528)Urgent work70 TMRDays for delivery: 3
SCS Fuel Tank TrailerMass 12927 kgHitch 1Required DLC
ArizonaProMods Canada v.1.3.2