Personal Data Processing Agreement
In accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation from July 27, 2006, No.
152-FZ «On Personal Data», I agree to the processing of my personal data by the Administration of the VTC.World resource without reservations and restrictions, to perform actions with my personal data provided for in clause §3 part 1 of article 3 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006, No.
152-FZ «On Personal Data», and I confirm that giving such consent, I act freely, of my own free will and in my own interests.
I consent to the processing of personal data in order to receive the services provided by the VTC.World resources.
The list of personal data for the processing of which you consent:
- pseudonym (Nickname);
- real name, if specified;
- e-mail addresses (E-Mail);
- date of birth, if specified;
- links to profiles on social networks;
- links to related projects;
- account ID and TruckersMP account data available through the official TruckersMP API;
- account ID and Steam account data available through the official Steam API;
- IP addresses from which you interact with the VTC.World resources.
I agree to carry out the following actions with all the specified personal data:
- collection;
- systematization;
- accumulation;
- storage;
- clarification (update or change);
- use;
- depersonalization;
- blocking;
- destruction;
- as well as the implementation of any other actions with personal data in accordance with applicable law.
Game data collected as a result of using VTC.World does not belong to the list of personal data.
Data processing can be carried out both with the use of automation tools and without their use (with
non-automatic processing). When processing personal data, the Administration of VTC.World resources are not limited to the use of methods of their processing.
You hereby acknowledge and confirm that, if necessary, the Administration of the VTC.World resources are the copyright holder of all photos and videos uploaded directly to the VTC.World resources in the process of using the services provided by these VTC.World resources.
Your personal data cannot be transferred to third parties not related to the Administration of the VTC.World resources, neither in full nor in part, with the exceptions specified below.
You agree that all VTC.World users will have access to the following personal data of your profile:
- pseudonym (Nickname);
- real name, if specified;
- date of birth, if specified and allowed for everyone;
- links to profiles on social networks;
- links to related projects;
- account ID and TruckersMP account data available through the official TruckersMP API;
- account ID and Steam Account Data available through the official Steam API.
As part of compliance with the regulation of the European Union No. 2016/679 GDPR, you can request a set of all data and logs that are stored under your account. This opportunity is presented in the user profile.
This consent is valid indefinitely from the moment the data is provided and can be withdrawn by yourself at any point.
Withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data can be carried out independently by deleting your VTC.World account in the user profile settings. When you delete an account, it is anonymized and all data associated with this account is deleted, except for the Steam Account ID. The Steam Account ID is stored permanently and can be linked to the new account upon
The VTC.World Administration is not responsible for third party's use (both lawful and illegal) of the information posted by the user on the VTC.World resources, including its reproduction and distribution, carried out in all possible ways, shapes or forms.
The VTC.World Administration has the right to make changes to this Agreement. When making changes in the current edition, the date of the last update is indicated. The new version of the Agreement comes into force from the moment it is posted, unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Agreement.
The current version of the Agreement can be accessed at the following page:
This Agreement and the relationship between the user and the VTC.World resources arising in connection with the application of the Agreement shall be governed by the law of the Russian Federation.
Date of last change: 01.12.2020